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Practice 2

Congratulations! You've learned all Hangeul! Give yourself a proud shoulder tap!

You are going to practice reading Hangeul by learning some useful terms and consonants' names on this page. Also, you will learn how to naturally read Hangeul.

Useful Terms

​모음 [mo-eum]

​자음 [ja-eum]

받침 [bat-chim]

a vowel

a consonant

a final consonant

Try to read the words above. 모음(vowel) and 자음(consonant) are the letters that consist of the Korean syllables. You always write a 자음 first and then add a 모음. Some syllables have another consonant after the vowel and that is what we call 받침(final consonant). 받침 is an important factor during grammar lessons. So, memorize those words, especially 받침! 

​한글 [han-geul] 

Korean alphabet

​한국 [han-gook]


​한국어 [han-gu-geo] 

Korean language

As you try to learn the Korean language, it will be good to know these basic words, too. 한국어 came from the country name 한국. 어 in this case, means language. So, 한국어 is the Korean language. 한글 is the Korean alphabet to write 한국어. It was made by King Sejong the Great. By the way, the full name of South Korea is 대한민국 [dae-han-min-gook]. 

The Names of Consonants

Consonants have their names based on their sounds. Try to read each name and also find the rule to make consonant names.

The names of consonants

Except for ㄱ(기역), ㄷ(디귿), and ㅅ(시옷), you will be able to find the rule. The names of consonants are made as put the consonant to the beginning and the end with vowels ㅣ and 으. 


For double consonants, you can add the word 쌍 (ssang) which means pair or couple in front of ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ.

The names of the double consonants

Names of the Consonants Video

Listen and repeat the names of the consonants! Also, try to read them without my help. 



Great work, everyone! Please download the free printable PDF worksheet for your further study. Once you are ready, you can now go ahead and start learning grammar, expression, words, and more!

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