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Unit Marker 에 3 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

안녕하세요. Today, you'll learn the unit marker 에. Yes, I know. There are so many various 에! It is a quite helpful marker. 😉

Unit marker 에

Before we start, if you want to review, please use the links below.

1. Words

In this lesson, you'll get to know many important words! So, don't just skip; practice these words before proceeding! 🤗

(one, two, three) times, number (1, 2, 3)

번 can be attached to either the Sino-Korean number or the native Korean number. When it is attached to the Sino numbers like 일, 이, 삼, you can make number 1(일 번), number 2 (이 번), number 3 (삼 번).

When 번 comes after the native Korean number 하나, 둘, 셋, now you can talk about one time(한 번), two times(두 번), three times(세 번).

day, one day

하루 has many meanings. First, it is one day a period of 24 hours. Second, it can mean a day from sunrise to sunset when people do their activities. It can also mean an unspecified day, one day, or someday.

a week/one week

By combining the Sino-Korean numbers 일, 이, 삼, we can express the concept of weeks. For example, 이주일 represents two weeks, and 삼주일 represents three weeks.

The last 일 can be omitted and be said 일주, 이주, 삼주, 사주.

fifteen days

보름 is the term that is related to the lunar calendar. It is the fifteenth day of each lunar month. It is always the full moon. 달 is a month, so people call the full moon 보름달.

a month

달 is a counting word a month. With this word, you'll use 하나, 둘, 셋 numbers. It shows the months as a period.

a year

년 is a counting word for the year. With this word, you'll use 일, 이, 삼 numbers.

2. 에 Grammar

에 is the marker to show a standard unit for counting or valuing. As it is a marker, you'll attach it to a noun. It is used in combination with nouns that can be units such as ‘period, price, number, frequency, number of people’. In English, 에 is close to "per." Let's look at some examples to catch up on the meanings!

하루 세 번 밥을 먹어요.

It means "I eat three times per day." So, you can think of it as "I eat a meal three times a day."

사과 한 개 이천 원이에요.

It's 2,000 won per apple.

⚐ Won(원) is the Korean currency. If you want to know more about it, please click here.

You don't have to worry about the final consonant of a noun. Simply attach 에 to the noun, please.

받침 O: 일주일에

받침 X: 한 개에

In daily life, people often omit "에". It'll be good to use it when you write something or talk in formal situations.

I eat three times a day.

하루에 세 번 밥을 먹어요.

=하루 세 번 밥을 먹어요.

3. Examples 1

Let's see how we can use this word. The basic structure will be like the one below.

Standard Unit+에 + number

For example, you can say one a day, 하루에 하나. A day(하루) is a standard so, we attach 에 to it. 하나 is 1.

In the number place, you can add prices, counted numbers, frequency, etc, something that is related to numbers! Let's see some examples using the standard unit 하루(a day)

  • 하루에 하나 one a day

  • 하루에 한 번 once a day

  • 하루에 한 개 one (thing) a day

  • 하루에 한 잔 one (cup) a day

If you want to learn more about the counting unit, please click here to read my other lesson.

Here are some more examples.

  • 일주일에 한 번 once a week

  • 일주일에 세 번 three times a week

  • 한 달에 한 번 once a month

  • 한달에 세 번 three times per month

  • 보름에 한 번 once every fifteen days

  • 일년에 두 번 two times a year

  • 세개에 오천원 5000 won per three

  • 1kg에 만원 10,000 won per 1 kg

  • 천 원에 한 개 one (thing) per 1,000 won

  • 한 개에 천 원 1,000 won per one (thing)

4. Examples 2

Let's see the sentences and dialogue examples to understand this 에 grammar better!


민수 씨는 일 년에 세 번 고향에 가요. Minsu goes to his hometown three times a year.

고향 is hometown. This time the unit is a year(일 년).


저는 보름에 한 번 도서관에 가요. I go to the library every fifteen days.

You can talk about your repetitive schedule like this as well!


(가게에서 In a store)

손님: 사과가 얼마예요? How much is an apple?

점원: 한 개 천 원이에요. It's 1000 won per one. = It's 1000 won each.

This is a conversation between a customer(손님) and a clerk(점원). 개 is a counting word for general objects.


손님: 포도가 얼마예요? How much is a grape?

점원: 오십 그램 삼천원이에요. It's 3000 won per 50 grams.

Korea uses the "g/kg" system. To read 50g, you use the Sino-Korean number(오십) with 그램.


미나: 하루 커피를 몇 잔 마셔요? How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

지나: 두 잔 마셔요. I drink two cups.

This time, the unit is a day, 하루. 잔 is a counting word for a cup or glass. 몇 adds the meaning of "how much" or "how many."

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

Alright, that's it! It was a pretty easy lesson, right? Please practice it with the worksheet that is attached below. The answers are in throughout my lesson!

  • 에 is a unit marker.

  • It is attached to a noun to show a unit.

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