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A Tool & Means: 으로 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

안녕하세요! Today, I'll show you how to talk about a tool or means. There are many ways to do so, but we will focus on (으)로 marker. Don't forget to download a free worksheet to practice!

tools or means in Korean

1. 으로 Grammar

(으)로 is a marker. That means you attach it to a noun. Then, it shows that a noun is a tool, means, or method of action. You can understand it as "using" or "with" in English.

휴대폰으로 전화를 해요. I make a phone call with my cell phone.

⇨ Making a phone call(전화를 해요) is an action and 휴대폰(cell phone) is the means to do it. In this situation, you will attach the marker 으로! Here is one more example.

으로 글을 써요. I write with a pen.

⇨ 글을 써요 means to write a piece of writing. You do it with a pen(펜). So, we attach 으로 to it.

As you see, you use the tools to do something. When you use a noun with intention, you'll use (으)로.

2. Conjugation Rules

(으)로 has two forms; 으로 and 로. To decide which one to use you always have to see the last syllable of the noun! If the noun ends with the final consonant, you will add 으로. If not, you will use 로. Also, even if it has the final consonant, if it is ㄹ, you will add 로.






펜(pen): 펜으로


지우개(eraser): 지우개로

연필(pencil): 연필로

Here are more examples. Let's check it out!


  • 숟가락(spoon) → 숟가락으로

  • 젓가락(chopsticks) → 젓가락으로

  • 문제집(workbook) → 문제집으로

  • 스마트폰(smartphone) → 스마트폰으로

받침 X+로

  • 버스(bus) → 버스로

  • 키/열쇠(key) → 키로 / 열쇠로

  • 컴퓨터(computer) → 컴퓨터로

  • 가위(scissors) → 가위로

  • 카메라(camera) → 카메라로


  • 지하철(subway) → 지하철로

  • 연필(pencil) → 연필로

  • 이메일(e-mail) → 이메일로

  • 분필(chalk) → 분필로

3. Examples


연필로 쓰세요.

Write it with a pencil. = using a pencil.

쓰세요 came from 쓰다(to write). 연필 is a tool to do so. Since it ends with the final consonant ㄹ, we need to attach 로.


짐: 저는 컴퓨터로 숙제를 해요.

Jim: I do my homework using a computer.

숙제를 하다 is to do homework. To do that action, Jim uses a computer. So, he used the tool and means marker 으로.


자동차로 짐을 옮겨요. Let's move the load using a car.

Here is a fun pun for 짐. In Korean, 짐 means a load, burden, freight, baggage, etc. When you move things, you refer it to 짐.


성냥으로 불을 피워요.

Make a fire with a match.

피우다 has many meanings. With 불(fire), you can mean make a fire like doing campfires! You can use 성냥(match), 라이터(lighter), 토치(torch), and so on. They are all means to make fire. Then, we need (으)로 not 에!


저는 마이 코리안 레슨으로 한국어를 공부해요!

I study Korean using My Korean Lesson!

I hope this sentence is true! To study Korean, you can use my website! Thank you for studying with My Korean Lesson. 감사합니다. 🙏

4. Wrap-up & Worksheet

You learn the 으로 grammar. Let's review what you learn today!

  • N(으)로 shows a tool, means, and method.

  • = using N / with N

  • 받침O: N으로

  • 받침X or ㄹ 받침: N로

It's quiz time! I prepared the free and printable PDF worksheet! Please download and study using it. And make sure to use a pencil! 연필 쓰세요! If you ever make a mistake, erase it with an eraser. 지우개 지우세요. 😉

If this lesson was helpful, please like my post and subscribe to my website for future updates! In the next lesson, you'll learn about another use of (으)로. Thank you for studying using My Korean lesson. 감사합니다! 🤗



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