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Seasons and Weather in Korean Free Worksheets Included

Let's learn about the seasons and weather. You can get a vocabulary and expression lesson with examples and free worksheets!

Seasons and weather in Korean -title

<Table of Contents>

1. Seasons


  • 계절 seasons

Korea is located at 127° E and 37° N, so it has four seasons. Those four seasons are like the ones below.





fall, autumn


Here are more words you need to know to continue the lesson. Please listen and repeat!


to like

to dislike

  • 좋아하다 to like: ㅎ in the first syllable is a silent letter. So even though you write it as 좋아하다, you read it as [조아하다].

  • 싫어하다to dislike: ㅎis a silent letter. Also, ㄹ moves on and fills up the next empty spot of ㅇ(이응). You write this word as 싫어하다 but you have to read it like [시러하다].

If you want to know more details about 좋아하다 and 싫어하다, please check my other post about "좋아하다" vs. "좋다".


How can we ask a season you like or don't like in Korean? Check out the expressions below.

Q: 어느 계절을 좋아해요? Which season do you like?

A1: 봄을 좋아해요. I like spring.

A2: 여름을 좋아해요. I like summer.

A3: 가을을 좋아해요. I like automn.

A4: 겨울을 좋아해요. I like winter.

Which season do you like? Can you answer that in Korean?

Q: 어느 계절을 싫어해요? Which season do you dislike?

A1: 봄을 좋아해요. I don't like spring.

A2: 여름을 좋아해요. I don't like summer.

A3: 가을을 좋아해요. I don't like autumn.

A4: 겨울을 좋아해요. I don't like winter.

2. Weather


<Temperature-related adjectives>

to be warm

to be hot

to be cool

to be cold

I'll show you their present and past tense forms. If you want to know how to change adjectives, please click here to read my other lesson.

  • 따뜻하다 to be warm

Present tense: 따뜻해요. It's warm.

Past tense: 따뜻했어요. It was warm.

  • 덥다 to be hot

Present tense: 더워요. It's hot.

Past tense: 더웠어요. It was hot.

⚠️ 덥다 is hot in temperature-wise. When something that you can touch (like tea or an engine) is hot, you don't use 덥다. You have to use 뜨겁다.

  • 시원하다 to be cool

Present tense: 시원해요. It's cool.

Past tense: 시원했어요. It was cool.

  • 춥다 to be cold

Present tense: 추워요. It's cold.

Past tense: 추웠어요. It was cold.

⚠️ 춥다 is cold in the air temperature-wise. When something that you can touch is cold, you have to use 차갑다.

How can you say weather in Korean

<Weather-related nouns>

Don't forget to add new words to your noun organizer! You can add the topic name as 날씨(weather).











  • 온도 temperature

In Korea, people use the Celsius scale. The symbol is °C and we read it as 도. You have to use the Sino-Korean numbers to say the temperature. For example, 3 Celsius degrees is 삼 도.

  • 비 rain

Do you know the Korean singer/entertainer Rain? His English name is Rain because his Korean name is 비. (Well, his actual name is 정지훈.)

<Weather-related verbs/adjectives>

Here are some useful verbs and adjectives that are needed to talk about weather. First, listen and repeat their basic forms. I'll also show you their present and past forms.

to come

to come down

to stop

to blow

to hang

to come out

to be clear, sunny

to be high

to be low

to be good

  • 오다 to come

Present tense: 와요.

Past tense: 왔어요.

  • 내리다 to come down, to fall

Present tense: 내려요.

Past tense: 내렸어요.

  • 그치다 to stop

Present tense: 그쳐요.

Past tense: 그쳤어요.

  • 불다 to blow

Present tense: 불어요.

Past tense: 불었어요.

  • 끼다 to hang (cloud, haze, fog)

Present progressive: 껴요.

Present tense: 꼈어요.

Past tense: 꼈었어요.

☆ 끼다 is a bit of a special word. When it is currently foggy, you have to use the past tense form, 꼈어요. If you want to say "It was foggy," then you have to use the third one above, 꼈었어요. Then what will be the present tense form 껴요? It is close to progressive meaning, "it is getting foggy."

  • 나다 to come out (Sun)

Present progressive: 나요.

Present tense: 났어요.

Past tense: 났었어요.

☆ 나다 is also the same. To say the present tense "It is sunny," you have to use the past tense conjugation.

  • 높다 to be high

Present tense: 높아요.

Past tense: 높았어요.

  • 낮다 to be low

Present tense: 낮아요.

Past tense: 낮았어요.

  • 맑다 to be sunny, clear

Present tense: 맑아요.

Past tense: 맑았어요.

  • 좋다 to be good

Present tense: 좋아요.

Past tense: 좋았어요.


Using weather-related nouns with verbs and adjectives, you can explain the weather! You can download the free worksheet to take note of these expressions!

  • 비가 오다 = 비가 내리다 to rain

Present tense: 비가 와요. 비가 내려요.

Past tense: 비가 왔어요. 비가 내렸어요.

  • 눈이 오다 = 눈이 내리다 to snow

Present tense: 눈이 와요. 눈이 내려요.

Past tense: 눈이 왔어요. 눈이 내렸어요.

  • 바람이 불다 to be windy

Present tense: 바람이 불어요.

Past tense: 바람이 불었어요.

  • 날씨가 맑다 The weather is clear.

Present tense: 날씨가 맑아요.

Past tense: 맑았어요.

  • 구름이 끼다 to be cloudy

Present tense: 구름이 꼈어요.

Past tense: 구름이 꼈었어요.

  • 안개가 끼다 to be foggy

Present tense: 안개가 꼈어요.

Past tense: 안개가 꼈었어요.

  • 해가 나다 Sun to come out

Present tense: 해가 났어요.

Past tense: 해가 났었어요.

  • 온도가 높다 the temperature to be high

Present tense: 온도가 높아요.

Past tense: 온도가 높았어요.

  • 온도가 낮다 the temperature to be low

Present tense: 온도가 낮아요.

Past tense: 온도가 낮았어요.

3. Examples

Let's see these words and expressions! You will see how to ask about the weather as well!


Q: 오늘 날씨가 어때요? How is the weather today?

A: 좋아요. It's good.

어때요 is how (what like). Using it with 날씨 [nal-ssi], you can make a question to ask about the weather.


Q: 밖에 날씨가 어때요? What's the weather like outside?

A: 비가 와요. It's raining.

밖 means outside. It is a place, so we attach the place marker 에.


Q: 지금 날씨가 어때요? How is the weather now?

A: 추워요. 눈이 내려요. It's cold. It's snowy.

지금 means now. 추워요 came from the basic form 춥다. It means to be cold.


Q: 어제 날씨가 어땠어요? How was the weather yesterday?

A: 더웠어요. It was hot.

어제 means yesterday. You have to use the past tense to talk about yesterday's weather!


봄은 따뜻해요. 여름은 더워요.

Spring is warm. Summer is hot.


가을은 시원해요. 겨울은 추워요.

Fall is cool. Winter is cold.

4. Wrap-up: Seasons and Weather in Korean

You've learned the words and expressions you can use to ask and answer questions about seasons and weather in Korean. These expressions will be needed in upcoming lessons!

Korea has four seasons (계절). They are 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울.

  • 봄은 따뜻해요. Spring is warm.

  • 여름은 더워요. Summer is hot.

  • 가을은 시원해요. Fall is cool.

  • 겨울은 추워요. Winter is cold.

If you want to learn more about Korea's seasons and weather please click here to read my related post! In the next lesson, you'll learn how to connect verbs and adjectives with "and" in Korean. Thank you for studying with My Korean Lesson! 감사합니다! 🤗

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