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School-Related Words in Korean: Learn Words for Supplies, Subjects, and More with Worksheets!

When you go to a school(학교) you will see these things...! In this post, I'll show you many school-related words in Korean! You can grab some free worksheets as well!

School related words title

1. School supplies 학용품

1) 필기구 Writing supplies

Here are some writing-related objects. You can listen and repeat from the chart and keep reading the reading materials below the chart.

school supplies

writing supplies


colored pencil

pencil case

felt-tip pen




correction fluid

correction tape

  • 연필 pencils

The picture of pencils
연필 pencils

  • 색연필 colored pencils

색 means a color. Just like English, colored pencils are 색연필.

  • 필통 pencil case

필통 has a syllable 필. Does it sound familiar? Yes, it is the same Chinese word from 연필(pencil).

  • 사인펜 felt-tip pens

사인펜 is a Konglish (Koreanized English) word. It is usually used to sign so it is called 사인펜 sign pen. It is actually a felt-tip pen. According to the "loanword orthography" it is supposed to be written as 사인펜, but many people use 싸인펜 with the double consonant ㅆ as well. The loanword orthography says [s] in front of a vowel should be written with ㅅ not ㅆ.

  • 매직 markers

If you read 매직 out aloud, you may realize, it is supposed to be "magic". It is from 매직 마커 and can be shortened to just 매직. They are actually just markers.

사인펜 and 매직 are introduced to Korea by Japlish (Japanese + English). There are many other words that Japan took from English and Korea take from Japan.

  • 펜 pen

Here is an easy word for you. A pen is 펜. People also use 볼펜 for ballpen.

  • 지우개 eraser

When you have to erase what you write with 연필, you need to use 지우개! Make sure to write the vowel "ㅐ" not "ㅔ". There is no rule, it is just a memorizing matter.

  • 수정액 correction fluid, white-out

When you write with 펜 and then have to fix it, you need to use 수정액. 수정 means correct in this case and 액 means liquid or fluid. In Korea (and Japan), it is usually called "화이트(white)" in daily life.

  • 수정 테이프 correction tape

If you read out loud 테이프, you will realize. Yes, it is a tape.

2) book, paper-related




teaching material, textbook





scrap paper

  • 책 books

Any kind of book, you can call 책 [chaek].

  • 공책 notebooks

공 in this case means empty in Chinese characters. So, it literally means an empty book.

  • 교과서 textbook

Sometimes, people use the word 교재 as well. In a broad sense, 교재 means all kinds of teaching material.

  • 문제집 / 워크북 workbook

문제 has a lot of meanings like a question, problem, and trouble. In this case, it can be used as a question or quiz. These days, instead of 문제집, people use the loan word 워크북(workbook) as well.

  • 학습지 worksheet

Do you know you can download the free 학습지 on my website? Each lesson has some free printable PDF 학습지!

  • 종이 paper / 이면지 scrap paper, scratch paper

  • 색종이 colored paper

Remember 색연필? It was the colored pencils. Just like that, 색종이 is a colored paper. Students use 색종이 to do origami(종이접기) in school.

  • 파일 file

To keep 종이 or 학습지, it is good to file them in 파일. If you use any of my organizer worksheets, don't forget to keep them in 파일!

3) art-related





paper clay

watercolor paint


  • 찰흙 clay / 지점토 paper clay

찰흙 and 지점토 are often used in craft class. 지점토 is made by mixing pulp with clay.

2. In the classroom

The classroom in Korean is 교실. Here are some objects you can see in 교실!

bag, purse





clock, watch


  • 가방 bag

가방 is a general term for all kinds of bags. So, it can mean a purse as well.

  • 책가방 backpack

To make 가방 more specific, we can add words to it. A backpack is for bringing books. So, it is called 책가방. As you see just above, 책 is a book (or books).

  • 책상 desk

A desk is where you read books(책). That is why it 책상 has the word 책 in it!

  • 칠판 chalkboard (blackboard, whiteboard)

Both blackboard and whiteboard can be called 칠판. People use 화이트 보드 [wha-ee-teu bo-deu] to refer to a whiteboard as well.

  • 시계 clock, watch

시계 is a general term for time showing the object. To make it specific, you will use the words below.

  • 벽시계 clock / 손목시계 watch

벽 means a wall. So, 벽시계 is a clock. 손목 means a wrist. That is why a watch is 손목시계.

  • 컴퓨터 computer

If you read this word aloud, you will be able to guess what it means. 컴퓨터 came from the word computer!

3. Subjects

You learn lots of different subjects 과목 in 학교. Here are some 과목 names you can learn in a Korean school.

Korean language art


social study






  • 국어 Korean (language art)

국 means a country. As 한국 means Korea, 국어 is the language of the country. You are learning 한국어. Both mean the Korean language, so then how 국어 and 한국어 can be different?

국어 is a Korean language for the native Koreans. Since it means "language of the country," it is what Korean people call the "Korean language." 한국어 is a Korean language a foreign language. So non-native Korean learners use 한국어 as the language of Korea.

  • 과학 science

There are many areas in science. In high school, students learn different areas of 과학 like 물리 physics, 화학 chemistry, 지구과학 earth science, and 생물 biology.

  • 사회 social study

There are many different kinds of areas in social studies as well. 역사 history, 도덕 ethics, 사회 문화 social culture, 경제 economy, and so on!

  • 영어 English

"영국" is England. That is why English is called 영어. It is the language of England. Korean students learn English from the 3rd grade in elementary school.

  • 미술 art/ 음악 music/ 체육 P.E.

People use the term 예체능 to mean 미술, 음악, 체육 all at once. 예 means art and 체 means physical education!

4. Different areas of school

Let's take a look at different types of classrooms and places. You'll see many subject names here.


art room

science room

music room

school gym


school cafeteria

principal's office

teachers' office

school clinic


  • 교실 classroom

교실 is a general term for classroom. Usually, Korean students have lessons in their classrooms, unless they have to go to some special classrooms (for like art, music, or science.)

  • 우리 반 / 우리 반 교실 my classroom / my homeroom

우리 actually means "we, us, our." However, when Koreans say "my classroom", people use the word "우리" not 내 or 제 (my). It is the same when people talk about family too. People say 우리 가족(our family) to mean 내 가족(my family).

  • 체육관 gym

체육 is P.E. So, a school gym is called 체육관.

  • 운동장 schoolyard

Usually, there is a big schoolyard in a school. 운동장 may have a track, sporting equipment, or nots for soccer or basketball.

  • 급식실 school cafeteria

Korean schools provide free lunches for students. Depending on the size of the school, there are two types of food service. Usually, schools have their own 급식실(school cafeteria). Some small schools don't have a cafeteria. In that case, a food cart is delivered in front of each classroom.

The picture of Korean school cafeteria
The picture of Korean school cafeteria

  • 교장실 Principal's office

교장 means principle. To call a principal politely, you have to attach the word "teacher" 교장 선생님. He or she usually stays at 교장실.

A tip to memorize the words

You may notice some last syllables are repeatably shown up. For example, you can see "실" from 교실, 미술실, 음악실. It is from the Chinese character 室 which means a room.

"관(館)" from the word 체육관(gym) usually used to refer to a larger room or detached building. You can see this word like 박물관(museum) or 미술관(art museum).

"장(場)" from the word 운동장(schoolyard) means a yard. It is usually used to refer to a large open place. You can also see this word from 시장(marketplace).

Like this, many Korean words have hidden Chinese letters. Knowing these letters can help you to learn Korean as well! If you are familiar with Chinese, try to use your knowledge to learn Korean!

5. Wrap up & Worksheets: school-related words in Korean

You've learned many school-related words here! Try to use these words and practice the expression "N이에요. This is N" or "N이/가 있어요." I have N.

If you want to download the whole worksheet at once, please use the file below. You can also utilize the organizer to keep the new words!

Any other school-related words you can think of? Let me know in the comment section! If you liked my post, please subscribe for the newest updates!

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