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"Or" in Korean: 거나 grammar with a free worksheet

안녕하세요! 🤗 In the previous post, you learned how to connect nouns using "or" in Korean by using (이)나 grammar. I'll show you a different "or" in Korean in this lesson. This time, you'll see how to connect verbs or adjectives with "or" meaning. 열심히 공부합시다! (Let's study hard!)

How to say "or" in Korean, 거나 grammar

1. "Or" in Korean: 거나

거나 is another way to say "or" in Korean. Unlike (이)나 which is used for nouns, 거나 has a more broad usage. 거나 can be attached to a verb stem, an adjective stem, "이다/아니다", and "있다/없다." Here, take a look at these examples.

아침에 시리얼을 먹거나 커피를 마셔요.

I eat cereal or drink coffee in the morning.

도서관에 가거나 서점에 가세요.

Go to the library or go to the bookstore.

  • 시리얼을 먹다(eat) + 커피를 마시다(drink) = 시리얼을 거나 커피를 마시다.

먹다 and 마시다 are two verbs. So, we need to use 거나 to add the meaning of "or". In that case, you attach this 거나 to a first verb's stem!

  • 도서관에 가다(go) + 서점에 가다(go) = 도서관에 거나 서점에 가다.

Since the verb is the same, you can connect only nouns with (이)나. If you do, you'll say "도서관이나 서점에 가세요." But I wanted to show you a possible way to say it!

Like the examples above, 거나 connects two parts into one. So, it is called 연결어미(connective ending) in grammatical terms.

2. Conjugation Information

Here is good news for you! 거나 has only one form! That means you don't have to worry about different conjugations. You even don't have to worry about the irregular forms. How great news is that? 🤗 Still, I'll show you some examples here. Look how the stem doesn't change at all!

  • 동사(verbs)

  1. 먹다 (to eat): 거나

  2. 마시다 (to drink): 마시거나

  3. 놀다 (to play): 거나

  4. 듣다 (to listen): 거나

  5. 돕다 (to help): 거나

  6. 잇다 (to connect): 거나

  7. 쓰다 (to write, to use): 거나

  • 형용사(adjectives)

  1. 작다 (to be small): 거나

  2. 길다 (to be long): 거나

  3. 크다 (to be big): 거나

  • 이다/아니다

Originally, you are supposed to add 거나 to 이다 and say 이거나. However, if the noun doesn't have the final consonant, 이거나 usually be shortened to 거나. This omission usually happens in daily conversations. That means the "거나" version is usually not used in formal, written situations.

  1. 가방이다 (to be a bag): 가방이거나

  2. 의자이다 (to be a chair): 의자이거나 or 의자거나

  3. 아니다 (to be not): 아니거나

  • 있다/없다

  1. 있다(to exist, to stay): 거나

  2. 없다(to be nonexistent): 거나

3. Sentence Information

The conjugation of this grammar is pretty simple. Let's see more details about it. If you are a beginner, you can skim reading.

1. The subjects

With 거나 grammar, you connect two clauses into one. When you do, the subject of the first and second clauses can be the same or not!

Let's look at the situation in which the subject of the two clauses is the same. For example, I want to say "I listen to music or watch a movie." We'll need to combine "나는 음악을 듣다" and "나는 영화를 보다." like below.

  1. 나는 음악을 듣거나 나는 영화를 봐요.

  2. 나는 음악을 듣거나 영화를 봐요.

The second one doesn't repeat "나는(I)". It is because the subject of the two parts is the same. And the second one is a more natural structure. Just like in English, you'll say the "I" part only once.

You can say two different subjects in one sentence as well. In that case, obviously, you need to show both subjects. If you want to say "I should go or you should go," for example, we can say like below.

  1. 가 가거나 가 가야 한다. I should go or you should go.

  2. 가 가야한다. I or you should go.

2. -거나 -거나 form

거나 also can be used as a connective ending that indicates that nothing matters. In this case, usually the "-거나 -거나" form is used. It shows that choosing either one doesn't matter. This "-거나 -거나" form also can be shortened to "-건 -건."

  • 시험이 있거나거나 열심히 공부하세요. Study hard whether you have a test or not.

  • 연극을 보거나 영화를 보거나 상관없어요. I don't care to watch either a play or a movie.

  • 네가 믿 상관없어. I don't care if you believe it or not.

4. Examples

Here are some examples using 거나 grammar. Please listen and repeat each sentence.

내일은 흐리거나 비가 오겠습니다.

Tomorrow, it will be cloudy or rainy.

주말에는 공부를 하거나 놀아요.

I study or play on the weekends.

피곤하거나 슬프면 잠을 자요.

I sleep when I feel tired or sad.

Usually, 거나 is used to connect two things. However, you can continue adding more things. In English, you can just say "or" once, but in Korean, you add 거나. It is similar to the "and" grammar 하고, 이랑, 와/과.

주말에 보통 운동을 하거나 산책을 하거나 영화를 봐요.

I usually exercise, stroll, or watch a movie on the weekends.

보통 친구와 노래방에 가거나 연극을 보거나 영화를 봐요.

I usually go to karaoke, watch a play, or watch a movie.

5. Wrap-up&Worksheet: Or in Korean

Today, you learned about the 거나 grammar. Here is a summary and worksheet for you.

  • 거나 is attached to a verb stem, adjective stem, 이다/아니다, or 있다/없다.

  • It can connect two clauses with "or" meaning.

  • It only has one form. You don't have to worry about the different conjugations.

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