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Make Comparison in Korean: 보다 Grammar + 더/덜 + Free Worksheet

How can we compare in the Korean language? In this lesson, I'll show you the marker 보다 to make a comparison.

보다 title

1. 보다 Grammar

보다 is a marker(particle) to use to make comparisons. It is attached to a noun and shows that it is your comparison's standard. It is often translated as "than" in English.

보다 grammar

In the example, I am comparing summer and spring. So, I attach 보다 to spring to show "than spring."

By the way, you can just use the regular 더워요(is hot) to show "is hotter" in Korean. You don't need a special form like English (hot-hot-hottest).

The good news is you don't have to worry about the conjugation. No matter whether there is a final consonant or not, you'll attach 보다.

2. Structures

You can use either adjective or verb for this 보다 grammar. The basic structure is like the one below.

N1 + N2보다 + adjective/verb

I'll show you the detailed rules for each predicate(adjective or verb).


The basic expression is "N1이/가 N2보다 adjective." However, thanks to the markers, the expression means the same even if you switch the location. So, "N2보다 N1이/가 adjective" has the same meaning!

보다 grammar structure 1

As you see, even though you switch the location of 치타가 and 달팽이보다, the meanings are the same.

Of course, you can use the topic marker 은/는 instead of the subject marker 이/가. Please read my other lesson here if you want to know the subtle difference.


You can also use a verb with this 보다 grammar. When you compare two with a verb, you need to use an object. You can use the subject marker or the topic marker with N1. For this one, I'll show you the topic marker.

보다 grammar structure 2

Of course, depending on the context, the N1 part can be omitted. For example, if A and B already know A is talking about oneself, A just can say either "저는 밥보다 빵을 좋아해요. I like bread more than rice." but also can say "밥보다 빵을 좋아해요." without "저는(I)".

3. Sentence Information

Adding "더"

더 means "more" or "greater." As "보다" indicates comparison, the word "더" is often added before the adjective or verb to strengthen the comparison.

Adding "더" can clarify that the subject is greater in degree. Without "더," the sentences still convey comparison, but they might sound a bit softer or less emphatic.

Yuna is faster than Jinsu.

유나가 진수보다 빨라요.

유나가 진수보다 빨라요.

Both of the examples provided convey the same meaning, which is "Yuna is faster than Jinsu." However, the first one using 더 places a stronger emphasis on the comparison.

Adding "덜"

덜 meaning "less." In Korean, when you want to compare two things and indicate that one is "less" than the other, the word "덜" is used with the marker "보다."

While "더" is used to emphasize that something is "more", "덜" works the opposite way, signaling that something is "less" in degree, frequency, or quality.

이 빵이 저 빵보다 덜 맛있어요.

This bread is less tastier than that bread.

가을은 겨울보다 덜 추워요.

Autumn is less colder than winter.

4. Examples


기린은 원숭이보다 키가 커요.

A giraffe is taller than a monkey.

키가 크다 means to be tall. With 보다 grammar, we can mean "to be taller".


기린은 원숭이보다 키가 더 커요.

A giraffe is taller than a monkey.

With or without the adverb "더(more)" you can mean the same. 더 just adds a little more emphasized vibe.


이 커피가 저 커피보다 덜 맛있어요.

This coffee is less tastier than coffee over there.

By adding the adverb 덜(less), we can show this coffee is not as good as the other one.


I like strawberries more than apples.

저는 사과보다 딸기를 더 좋아해요.

저는 사과보다 딸기가 더 좋아요.

To mean I "like," I show you both the verb 좋아하다 and the adjective 좋다. If you want to learn a detailed comparison, please click here.


한국은 여름이 봄보다 더워요.

In Korea, summer is hotter than spring.

If you are curious about the weather and seasons of Korea, please click here to read my other post.

5 Wrap-up & Worksheet

It is essential to have a good understanding of the particle "보다" when making comparisons in Korean. When comparing objects, actions, or qualities, placing "보다" after the item being compared is a significant distinction from English. Keep in mind that using "더" can emphasize differences, while "덜" can indicate a lesser degree of negative comparisons.

Here, I prepared the free and printable worksheet. The answers are throughout the lesson. So, once you finished solving, come back to the lesson and check your answers. It'll help you to review as well!

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