안녕하세요!😊 I prepared another 100 basic verb sets today. You'll learn about 100 하다 verbs! Take your time and try to memorize these important Korean words!
⚐ Curious about other basic verbs? Check out the 100 Basic Korean Verbs

Things to know about 하다 verbs
What is 하다 verb?
"하다" means "do" in Korean. You can attach this 하다 to a noun and make it into a verb! A noun should include some sort of "action" in its meaning like soccer, studying, or swimming. There are tons of 하다 verbs in Korean but I'll show you commonly used 100 words today.
How to conjugate 하다 verbs
Informal Endings = Endings Used in Daily Conversations
Present: 해요.
Past: 했어요.
Future/Guess: 할 거예요.
Command: 하세요.
Present progressive: 하고 있어요.
Past progressive: 하고 있었어요.
Formal Endgins = Endings Used in Formal (Official) Situations
Present: 합니다.
Past: 했습니다.
Future/Guess: 할 것입니다.
Command: 하십시오.
Present progressive: 하고 있습니다.
Past progressive: 하고 있었습니다.
Since a "하다 verb" combines a noun and a verb, you can separate the word by adding an object marker to a noun. For example, 노래하다 means "sing" but you can divide it as 노래를 하다 meaning "sing a song".
The negative form of a 하다 verb
To make a negative word you can attach either 안 or 못 in front of the verb part. The real verb part of a 하다 verb, well, is 하다 (do). So, you must separate the word into the noun and 하다 first. Then, put the adverb 안 or 못 in front of the 하다. For example, you can say 노래를 안 하다 or 노래를 못 하다.
By the way, 안 shows you choose not to do an action. While 못 means you can't or couldn't do an action. It can be either because you cannot do it or the situation doesn't allow you. So, when you choose not to sing you can say "노래를 안 해요." If you are not a good singer you will say "노래를 못해요."
Level 1
Practice the first 20 하다 verbs. You can download the worksheet to practice with. I organized the words in the Hangeul order.
가입하다 join
축구 동아리에 가입을 했어요. I joined the soccer club.
감사하다 appreciate
감사해요. Thank you.
거짓말하다 lie
친구가 거짓말을 했어요. My friend lied to me.
걱정하다 worry
민지 씨, 걱정했어요. Minji, I worried about you.
결석하다 be absent
오늘 준 씨가 결석을 했어요. Jun was absent today.
결정하다 decide
빨리 결정하세요. Make a decision quickly.
결혼하다 marry
젠 씨는 내년에 결혼을 해요. Jen will marry next year.
경험하다 experience
다양한 경험을 했어요. I experienced various things.
계산하다 calculate, pay
수학시간에 계산을 해요. We calculate in math class.
(식당에서) 여기, 계산이요! (In a restaurant) Here, I would like to pay!
고백하다 confess, confide, come clean
솔직하게 고백했어요. I made a frank confession.
공부하다 study
한국어를 열심히 공부해요. I study Korean hard.
교육하다 educate, train
선생님이 학생을 교육해요. A teacher educates a student.
This one is a bit formal word. In daily conversations, 가르치다(teach) will be more commonly used.
구경하다 sightsee, look on, look around
화장품 가게를 구경했어요. I looked around the cosmetics store.
권유하다 persuade, invite
친구가 가입을 권유했어요. My friend invited me to join.
노래하다 sing
노래방에서 노래를 해요. I sing songs in karaoke.
노력하다 Make an effort, work hard
열심히 노력하세요. Try hard.
농구하다 play basketball
내일 친구와 농구를 할 거예요. I'll play basketball with my friends.
농담하다 joke
친구가 시시한 농담을 했어요. My friend told a lame joke.
답하다 respond, answer, reply
다음의 물음에 답하시오. Answer the following questions.
대답하다 answer, reply
친구가 대답을 했어요. My friend answered me.
답하다 vs. 대답하다
답하다 is a broader term. 대답하다 is usually when you talk back, face to face. 대 means 'face' in this case. So, 답하다 includes 대답하다.
Level 2
답장하다 reply (in a written form)
친구 편지에 답장했어요. I replied to my friend's letter.
답장 is a Sino-Korean word, meaning "a replying letter." So, if you say 답장하다, it means you are replying to a letter.
대화하다 talk, have a talk
친구하고 진지한 대화를 했어요. My friend and I had a serious conversation.
데이트하다 date, go out with
남자친구와 데이트를 했어요. I went out with my boyfriend.
You will use 하고, (이)랑, or 와/과 to say date "with" someone. Make sure not to use an object marker!
도착하다 arrive
방금 회사에 도착했어요. I just arrived at work.
You arrived at a place. So you will need the place marker "에" after the place noun. Don't use an object marker!
독서하다 read a book
독서를 많이 합시다. Let's read a lot.
독서 is a Sino-Korean word, meaning "reading a book." So, the word itself already has a book in it. So, you shouldn't combine 책(book) with this verb.
등교하다 go to school
몇 시에 등교해요? What time do you go to school?
You can say "학교에 가다" instead of "등교하다." Again, 등교 is a Sino-Korean word. So it has a bit more formal vibe.
등산하다 hike, climb a mountain
부모님하고 등산을 했어요. I climbed mountains with my parents.
따라하다 mimic, repeat
따라 하세요. Please repeat after me.
말하다 say, talk, speak, tell
아기가 말을 했어요. The baby talked.
말하다 is a very comprehensive word. There are other words related to "talking," but 말하다 can include all these "say, talk, speak, etc." in Korean.
목욕하다 bath
목욕을 하세요. Take a bath.
문의하다 inquire, ask
담당자에게 문의하세요. Please ask the representative.
문의하다 is a more formal form than 묻다(ask). 문의 is a Sino-Korean word, meaning "the act of asking about something that one is curious about and discussing the matter. "
발견하다 discover, find
보물을 발견했어요! I found the treasure!
발견하다 is to find out for the first time a thing that has not been discovered yet or was unknown to the world. It is often used in the science field.
발명하다 invent
벨은 전화기를 발명했어요. Bell invented the telephone.
밥하다 make food, cook
엄마는 매일 밥을 하셨어요. My mom cooked every day.
밥 means "cooked rice." It's a staple food in Korea. So, it also means "meal" or "food."
방송하다 broadcast
내일 7시에 첫 방송을 해요. The first broadcast will be held tomorrow at 7 o'clock.
방학하다 have a school vacation
언제 방학해요? When does your school's vacation start?
방학 is a vacation from school. As you see 방학 has the word 학 like 학교(school). Then how can you say you have a vacation from work? You'll use a noun 휴가 and say 휴가를 가다 (go vacation) or 휴가를 보내다 (spend vacation).
배달하다 deliver
준 씨는 음식을 배달해요. Jun delivers food.
비교하다 compare
둘을 비교해 보세요. Compare two.
빨래하다 laundry
저녁에 빨래를 해요. I do laundry in the evening.
사랑하다 love
저는 부모님을 사랑해요. I love my parents.
Level 3
사용하다 use, employ
한국은 한국어를 사용해요. Korea uses the Korean language.
사용하다 means to use something for a certain job or function.
산책하다 take a walk, stroll
강아지와 산책을 했어요. I went for a walk with my puppy.
생각하다 think
그건 아니라고 생각해요. I don't think that is true.
생활하다 live, make a living
저는 시골에서 생활했어요. I lived in the countryside.
샤워하다 shower
저는 매일 샤워를 해요. I take a shower every day.
선물하다 give a gift
친구에게 선물을 했어요. I gave a gift to my friend.
선물 is a noun, meaning gift. You can say 선물을 주다 as well because 주다 means to give. If you receive a gift, you will say 선물을 받다.
설거지하다 do the dishes
매일 설거지를 해요. I do the dishes every day.
설명하다 explain
이것 좀 설명해 주세요. Can you explain this to me?
성공하다 succeed
실험이 성공했어요. My experiment succeeded.
실패하다 fail
실험이 실패했어요. My experiment failed.
세수하다 wash the face
아침마다 세수를 해요. I wash my face every morning.
소개하다 introduce
제 소개를 할게요. I'll introduce myself.
쇼핑하다 do the shopping
같이 쇼핑을 하러 갈래요? Do you want to go shopping together?
수고하다 Take the trouble, do hard work
수고하세요. Keep up the good work.
수고하다 means to use much of one's energy and make an effort to do a thing. This verb is used as an idiom like the example. Usually, a superior says this idiom to younger people as he or she leaves a place. So, it is not recommended to use it to a superior.
수영하다 to swim
민지는 수영을 잘 해요. Minji is good at swimming.
저는 수영을 못 해요. I can't swim.
숙제하다 do homework
저는 도서관에서 숙제를 해요. I do my homework in the library.
시작하다 start, begin
시작하세요. Please begin.
신청하다 apply, register, ask out
여권을 신청하러 왔어요. I came here to apply for a passport.
데이트를 신청했어요. I asked out for a date.
실례하다 commit a discourtesy, be excused
실례합니다. Excuse me.
This word is usually used as an idiom like above. 실례합니다 is a phrase used when talking to someone you don't know well before asking a question or making a request. If you are lost and need direction, you can start a conversation with a stranger with this expression.
아르바이트하다 do a part-time job
저는 카페에서 아르바이트를 해요. I work part-time at a cafe.
This word has an interesting origin. 아르바이트 came from the German word "Arbeit". In German, it means labor or work. Japan used this word as a "part-time." Korea imported it from Japan. Since 아르바이트 is too long, people shorten the word and say 알바 as well.
Level 4
안내하다 guide, lead, make known
여행 가이드가 관광객들을 안내하고 있어요. The tour guide is guiding the tourists.
야구하다 play baseball
제 동생은 야구를 해요. My younger sibling plays baseball.
양치하다 brush teeth
양치했어요? Did you brush your teeth?
여행하다 travel, trip
친구가 지금 한국을 여행하고 있어요. My friend is traveling in Korea now.
This word is usually used as a form of "N1이/가 N2을/를 여행하다." N1 is a person and N2 is a place. 여행 is a noun version of travel or trip. So you can also say 여행을 가다(go travel).
연결하다 connect
상담원과 연결을 해 주세요. Please connect me with a counselor.
연극하다 act, perform, pretend
배우가 연기를 해요. An actor is acting.
젠 씨는 지금 연극을 하고 있어요. Jen is faking it. = Jen is lying now.
You have to figure out which one it means in Korean by context!
연락하다 contact, notify, get in touch
도착하면 연락하세요. Contact me when you arrive.
지은 씨랑 연락하고 살아요? Do you get in touch with Ji-Eun?
This word mainly has two meanings. One is to deliver a fact to inform someone of it. To maintain a relationship while exchanging news with each other.
연습하다 practice
매일 한국어 연습을 해요. I practice my Korean every day.
예약하다 reserve, book, make a reservation
병원을 예약했어요. I made a reservation at the hospital.
호텔을 예약했어요. I booked a hotel.
운동하다 exercise, work out
매일 운동을 하세요! Exercise every day!
이야기하다 tell, say, converse, tell a story
젠 씨, 잠깐 이야기 좀 할 수 있어요? Jen, can we talk for a second?
It is an interesting word as well. 이야기 is a noun. Mainly it means a story. It can mean talk, chat, gossip, rumor, etc.
말하다 vs. 이야기하다
말하다 is another word for "speak, tell, say, talk." Then how can they be different? If you are telling a 'story', it'll be natural to use 이야기하다. When a talk is one-sided, 말하다 is natural. If you converse 이야기하다 sounds better to use. Compare these two examples. Can you tell the difference?
내 생각을 친구에게 말. I talked my thoughts to my friends.
내 생각을 친구와 이야기 했다. I talked with my friends about my thoughts.
일하다 work
오늘 열심히 일을 했어요. I worked hard today.
전공하다 major
대학교에서 뭘 전공 했어요? What did you major in the university?
전화하다 make a phone call, call (phone)
친구하고 1시간 동안 전화를 했어요. I talked with my friend over the phone for an hour.
조심하다 to be careful
조심하세요! Watch out!
졸업하다 graduate
여동생이 어제 대학교를 졸업했어요. My sister graduated from the university yesterday.
좋아하다 like
저는 한국 드라마를 좋아해요. I like Korean shows.
주문하다 order
주문하시겠어요? Will you order? = May I take your order?
주차하다 park (a car)
어디에 주차 했어요? Where did you park?
준비하다 prepare
연필이랑 지우개를 준비하세요. Prepare your pencil and eraser.
Level 5
지각하다 be late
학교에 지각을 했어요. I was late for school.
You can use the expression "N에 지각하다." You can add a place noun in the N spot like 학교(school) or 회사(company).
지각하다 perceive
그제서야 내 감정을 지각했다. Only then I perceive my feelings.
Yes, there are two 지각하다. They are homonyms. The second usage of 지각하다 can be used to describe understanding a fact or thing, while it can also mean sensing an object through one's sensory organs, such as eyes or nose.
질문하다 ask (a question)
궁금한 것이 있으면 질문 하세요. Ask me if you have any questions.
청소하다 clean
방을 깨끗하게 청소했어요. I cleaned the room thoroughly.
체험하다 experience
템플 스테이를 체험해 보고 싶어요. I want to try experiencing a temple stay.
초대하다 invite
생일 파티에 친구를 초대했어요. I invited my friends to my birthday party.
추천하다 recommend
이 신발을 추천해요. I recommend these shoes.
축구하다 play soccer
친구와 축구를 할 거예요. I'll play soccer with my friends.
축구 is soccer in American English or football in British English. For American football, Koreans call it 미식축구(American-style soccer.)
축하하다 congratulate, celebrate
축하합니다! Congratulation!
It is a good idiom to memorize! You can say 축하해요 as well with an informal ending. When someone says these to you, you can answer 감사합니다 or 감사해요 which means "Thank you."
출근하다 go to work
몇 시에 출근해요? What time do you go to work?
퇴근하다 leave work
어제도 늦게 퇴근했어요. I got off work late yesterday too.
출발하다 depart, leave
언제 출발할 거예요? When will you leave?
When you leave a place and head for another, you can use 출발하다. The antonym of this word is 도착하다.
출석하다 attend (class, meeting)
학생이 학교에 출석했어요. A student attended a school.
It is usually used as an expression "N1이 N2에 출석하다." N1 is a person and N2 is a place. The antonym of this word is 결석하다.
취소하다 cancel
예약을 취소해 주세요. Please cancel my appointment.
편지하다 send a letter
부모님께 편지를 했어요. I sent my letter to my parents.
편지 is a letter. 편지하다 includes the meaning of "writing and sending" a letter. Another way to use it is 편지를 쓰다(to write a letter) or 편지를 보내다(to send a letter).
포장하다 wrap, gift-wrap, pack
선물을 포장했어요. I wrapped the gift.
하교하다 to come back home from school
몇 시에 하교할 거예요? What time will you go back to home (from school)?
As you see, 하교 has the syllable 교 like 학교(school). When you leave your work, you should use 퇴근하다.
할인하다 give a discount
그 마트는 할인을 많이 해요. That mart gives a big discount.
할인 means a discount. So, a big superstore is often called 할인마트. A discounted product is called 할인상품. Like this, if you know one Korean word, you can connect to other words, and help you learn more!
합격하다 to pass (an exam), become qualified
대학원에 합격했어요! I was accepted to graduate school!
회의하다 discuss together, have a meeting
오늘 오후 4시에 회의를 할 거예요. We'll have a meeting at 4 p.m. today.
Wrap-up & Worksheets: Korean words - 하다 verbs
There are a lot of 하다 verbs in Korean! I provided you with 100 basic ones today. I prepared some worksheets and flashcards you can use for your studying! Please download the free printable PDF worksheets and use them! Each level also has a worksheet you can practice writing! Thanks for studying with MY Korean Lesson!
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