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Korean Possessive Marker 의: Grammar and Pronunciation Tips

안녕하세요, 여러분? (Hello, everyone!) Today I'll teach you very easy Korean grammar. You'll learn how to show a possession like "A's B". I'll provide the printable PDF worksheet, too. So, 시작해요! (Let's begin!)

Korean possesive marker

1. What is 의?


"의" is called a possessive marker or particle. 의 is attached to a noun to indicate possession. "N1의 N2" means that "N1’s N2." It can also be translated as "N1 owns N2" or "N2 belongs to N1."

A의 B = A's B

In daily conversations, this 의 is often omitted! Here are some examples for both with and without the marker 의!

  • Jenny's book :제니 책 = 제니 책

  • Michael's younger sibling: 마이클 씨 동생 = 마이클 씨 동생

  • Mom's purse: 엄마 가방 = 엄마 가방

  • July's school: 줄리 학교 = 줄리 학교

  • Dad's newspaper: 아빠 신문 = 아빠 신문

2. 의 with pronouns

Singular pronouns

의 can be attached to a pronoun as well! In Korean, there are two words for "I" depending on the politeness; 나 and 저. The second one is the polite version. However, when they meet the possessive marker 의, they often are shortened in daily conversations.

  • The polite version of "I": 저 → 저의 =

  • The non-polite version of "I": 나 → 나의 =

  • The non-polite version of "you" 너 → 너의 (It is often pronounced as [니].)

저의, 나의 and 너의 forms are often used in writing. 제, 내, and 네 forms are commonly used in daily talking.

  • 저의 공책 My notebook

  • 책 My book

  • 나의 연필 My pencil

  • 가방 My bag

  • 너의 지우개 Your eraser

  • 연필 Your pencil

The one thing you have to know is the pronunciation of 내 and 네. The vowels "ㅐ" and "ㅔ" sound the same in modern Korean. Since they will be confusing without context, people often pronounce the non-polite version of you, 네 [nae] as 니 [ni].

What about the politer version of "you"?

Well, Korea's politer version of "you" is a bit complicated. We don't use the specific word of politer version singular you. There are words, but they are not that polite. Usually, you will attach honorific terms after names or titles. If you want to know more about it, please check out my post, "How to address someone in Korean."

Plural Pronouns

The first person plural form is 우리. You can attach 의 and say 우리의. But 의 is usually omitted in talking.

  • Our responsibilty 우리의 책임 = 우리 책임

  • Our house 우리의 집 = 우리 집

Hey, here is an important fact! One's family, school, or country is not expressed with 나의 or 저의. Instead, Korean people use 우리(we/us/our). So, even if you point out your mother and want to say 'my mom' you will call her 'our mom' in Korean. People say it happens because of Korean culture. Koreans consider we are all in one big family.

  • 우리 엄마 my mom (our mom)

  • 우리 아빠 my dad (our dad)

  • 우리 학교 my school (our school)

  • 우리 나라 my country (our country)

For plural "you," you can use two forms; 너희 or 여러분. The second one is more polite. Again, 의 is not necessary when you talk.

  • 너희 집 your house

  • 여러분 회사 your company

3. The pronunciation of 의/ㅢ

Here are good pronunciation tips for 'ㅢ' for you! 의 supposed to be pronounced as [의 ui], but it is allowed to be pronounced differently in certain situations. It is because pronouncing 의 can be hard.

① [의]: Let's take a look at a noun situation first. When 의 is at the first syllable, it is pronounced as [의]. You can say 으 and 이 quickly enough to make this sound!



② [이]: When 의 is not located at the first syllable, it can be pronounced as [이]. You can say [의], but it is hard. So, people usually pronounce it with [이].

meeting, conference


③ [ㅣ]: When the vowel "ㅢ" has a consonant other than ㅇ, you can read it as [ㅣ]. You can try to say [ㅢ] but you'll realize how hard it is!

(noun) hope


④ [에]: You are allowed to read the possessive marker 의 as [에]. You can say either one, but [에] will be probably easier.

Sumi's brother

Jinsu's book

4. Examples

Now, let's take a look at example sentences with this Korean possessive marker 의!


이것은 저의 책이에요.

=이건 제 책이에요.

This is my book.

So, we have two sentences meaning the same. Why? The top one, 저의 is more close to a written form. The second one,제 is a more "natural" way to say in daily life. It is because people like to use shorter forms when they talk.


그것은 민수 씨의 공책이에요.

= 그건 민수 씨 공책이에요.

That is Minsu's notebook.

Again, can you tell me how the top and bottom are different? Yes, in daily conversations, you will use the second one more often. People often omit the possessive marker 의.


저것은 리사 씨의 의자예요.

= 저건 리사 씨 의자예요.

That thing over there is Lisa's chair.

저것 is a pronoun to point out something far away from both the listener and speaker. 저것은 can be shortened to 저건.


(As you point to a person in a photo,)

A: 이 분은 누구예요? Who is this?

B: 우리 엄마예요. She is my mom.

B says 우리 엄마. He didn't say 우리의 엄마. You can see how "의" is regularly ignored!


A: 이건 누구 공책이에요? Whose notebook is this?

B: 로라 씨 공책이에요. That's Luara's notebook.

A and B are talking. So, the Korean possessive marker 의 is omitted. But you'd better know where it was originally. Can you tell where 의 is hidden? The answer is누구의 공책 and 로라 씨의 공책.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet: Korean possessive marker

  • N1의 N2: N1's N2

  • My: 나의 = 내, 저의 = 제

  • Your: 너의 = 네

How was the lesson? 레슨이 어땠나요? It was not that difficult, right? Now, here is a quiz. How can you say "My Korean Lesson?" You can say either 내(제) 한국어 레슨 or 수업! I hope you enjoyed 제 한국어 수업🤗! Don't forget to download the free printable PDF worksheet and practice the pronoun you learned today!

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