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How to Practice Typing in Korean!

안녕하세요? Today, I'll show you how to practice typing in Korean. The good news is the Korean language is easy to type using a keyboard or keypad! If you practice with my how-to, you'll learn it very quickly!

How to practice typing in Korean?

1. Practice Website Using Guide

There is a good website you can use to practice typing Koreans! This website provides an English version as well. I'll show you how to use this website. Please click the link below and continue to follow my instructions!

Once you go to the site, click the "Typing Practice" on the top-left to begin. It is next to their site name, Taja (which means typing in Korean!)

Korean typing site1

A new tab will be open. You should allow the popup for this. If it is in Korean and if you want to change the language to English, please change it by clicking the top-right button. It looks like a globe!

Korean typing site2

Now, you will be able to see the page in English. If you just started to learn how to type Korean, please start the practice from the first box, "Location Practice."

After you get familiar with the Korean keyboard, you will be able to continue to practice words and sentences (short and long)!

Korean typing site3

At first, it will give you an explanation of how to use the page in Korean. Don't panic! Once you turn off this pop-up, it will be continued in English. Here I added some explanations of this pop-up screen.

To turn off this pop-up forever, check the box at the bottom and click the button "닫기 [da-ggi] close." If you click the picture below, you can enlarge it!

Korean typing site4

Now you can start practicing! It even shows you where the keys are and which fingers to use! Try to type what it asks you to type, and try to use the correct finger to do so!

2. Keypad On Your Phone

On your smartphone, you can download the Korean keyboard set at the keyboard setting. It is also good to have a Korean keyboard on your phone! Then you can practice typing anytime and anywhere! I'll show you how to install a Korean keyboard on your phone based on Samsung smartphones.

First, go to text message or email. Open your keyboard. Click the gear button(setting). Or you can start from the setting and find the language tab.

Korean typing

Click the "Language and types" on the top.


You can manage input languages here. Find Korean, 한국어 [han-gu-geo], and enable it!

Korean keyboard 3

Now, if you go back, you can see the Korean language is added to your phone. You can change the types of keyboard as well. However, it will be good to use a QWERTY keyboard because it is the same as an English keyboard.

Korean keyboard 4

Now you have a Korean keyboard on your phone! Depending on your phone's setting, you can swipe the space key, click the globe shape, or press the button that says "Kr/En" to change between the languages!

Korean keyboard

Normally, it will show you the basic vowels and basic consonants. To get double consonants, you have to click the arrow (that is pointing top). Then, the keyboard will show you ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ.

3. More Ideas For You

You can purchase a Korean QWERTY keyboard. Korean keyboards always have both Korean and English. Search Google "Korean keyboard" to get a new keyboard for yourself or check out the Amazon button for my recommendation!

Example of Korean keyboard

You can buy some Korean keyboard stickers and attach them to your PC or laptop keyboards as well. Those stickers are not that expensive, so they can be a good option instead of buying a whole new keyboard.

Korean keyboard stickers

You can use the example picture above to know which Korean letter to go to which English letter. For example, ㅂ (b) and ㅃ (bb) are located at the same key as "Q" in English. Normally, when you type it will be ㅂ, and if you press shift and ㅂ together, it will become ㅃ.

Or you can use permanent markers and write by yourself on a keyboard! That may make your keyboard messy, but it can be cheap and quick.

4. Wrap-up: How to practice typing in Korean

You've learned how to practice typing in Korean. With practice, you will be able to make it as muscle memory and eventually just type without even seeing the keyboard! A journey of a thousand miles takes just one step! Start your Korean typing practice today!

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