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Exclamation Ending: 네요 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

안녕하세요! Let's learn about how to express your admiration or wonder! You'll learn about the sentence ending 네요 grammar with examples and a free worksheet!

네요 grammar

1. 네요 grammar

네요 is the sentence ending that shows your exclamation or admiration. However, it can be used only in a certain situation!

You can use it to describe something that you just got to know. You can express your awe after you discover something from an experience. Take a look at the examples below.

(You just came out of the house and felt the hot air.)

와! 진짜 덥네요. Wow! It's really hot.

(You saw your friend and she is wearing pretty clothes.)

우와! 예쁘네요! Wow! Pretty!

It is usually used between close relationships or younger people. You can't use it for someone who is much older than you or who has a very high social status.

민수 씨, 오늘 멋지시네요. Hey Minsu, you look cool today.

(X) 선생님, 오늘 멋지시네요. Teacher, you look cool today.

↳ It sounds a bit rude.

네요 has a soft tone. Some people explain that it has a feminine vibe. People won't expect to hear this ending from macho men or gangsters. You can use a period or exclamation point after this ending.

⚐ Korean sentence endings

Korean sentence endings are not just adding the tense and politeness! Like this example, certain endings can add a tone as well.

2. Conjugation Information

You can attach this "네요" to verbs, adjectives, 이다 (be), or 아니다 (be not). The good news is you don't have to worry about the conjugation too much. Whether the stem has the final consonant(받침) or not, you'll attach 네요.

The only thing you have to be careful is the ㄹ words. When the final consonant ends with ㄹ, you'll get rid of it first. Then, attach 네요. Except that, you don't have to worry about the irregular verbs or anything else.





가다 → 가네요

먹다 → 먹네요

Erase ㄹ + 네요

놀다 → 노네요

Here are more examples. You can listen and repeat each one!

받침 O

먹다 to eat

있다 to be located

듣다 to listen


공부하다 to study

귀엽다 to be cute

예쁘다 to be pretty

ㄹ 받침

멀다 to be far

만들다 to make


이다 to be

아니다 Not to be

3. Sentence Information


Since 네요 grammar shows surprise or admiration, it is often used with adverbs that have the meaning of "very" or "really" to emphasize the meaning. They are 진짜(really), 아주(very), 너무 (too), and so on!

와! 진짜 예쁘네요. Wow! It's really pretty.

젠 씨는 한국어를 정말 잘하네요. Jen, you speak Korean very well.

The ending "네요" is the informal polite ending. When 요 is removed, it becomes the informal casual ending "네."

This form can be used when speaking to someone younger or of the same age. It lacks a polite tone, so it is important to be cautious and avoid rudeness when using it with others.

한국어를 참 잘 하네요. - Friendly but polite.

한국어를 참 잘 하네. - Friendly and not polite.

You can also use "네" in the situation you talk to yourself. You are expressing your exclamation to yourself, so you don't use the polite version sentence.

오늘 정말 덥네! - Phew! It's hot today. - You are talking to yourself.

There is no formal ending version for this sentence ending.


You can use 네요 only with the second or third person. Can you guess why? You can express the admiration you just found out. So, it is awkward if you talk about yourself with it.

줄리 씨는 매운 것을 잘 먹네요. July eats spicy food very well.

(X) 저는 매운 것을 잘 먹네요. - You already know about yourself.

However, even if the subject is the first person, if you talk about a new fact that you discover you can use the first person.

나 생각보다 매운 것을 잘 먹네!

-If you never tried spicy food and tried it for the first time. And you realize you can eat spicy food well! Then, you can use this ending.

4. Examples


지나 saw her friend a book that she read before.

지나: 이 책 재미있지요? This book is interesting, isn't it?

유미: 네, 재미있네요. Yes, it is fun.

유미 can say 네 재미있어요 with a normal informal polite present ending. However, to show the exclamation, 네요 can be used as well.


어휴! 오늘 정말 덥네요. Phew! It's really hot today.

덥네요 came from 덥다. When air temperature is hot, you can use it.


(After you climb a mountain top,)

와! 경치가 진짜 멋지네요! Wow! What a really beautiful view!

경치 is a view. 진짜 is an adverb that means "really" to emphasize your feelings.


오늘은 일이 일찍 끝났네요. Oh, the work finished done early today.

끝나다 means to end. 일찍 means early. When the work is done is a surprising thing, you can express your exclamation like this.


유나 씨는 노래를 참 잘하네요!

= 유나 씨는 노래를 참 잘 부르네요!

Yuna sings very well.

노래를 하다 is the same with 노래를 부르다. They mean to sing a song.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

Let's review 네요 grammar! Here is the summary.

  • 네요 describes the fact you just discovered with surprise, exclamation, or admiration.

  • You attach 네요 directly stem.

  • For ㄹ words, you will drop ㄹ first.

Here, I prepare the free and printable worksheet. Please download and solve the quiz!

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