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Except in Korean: Marker 밖에 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

안녕하세요? 🤗 Welcome to My Korean Lesson! Today, you are going to learn an interesting marker, 밖에. It can be confusing, but I'll try my best to explain it in a way that is easy to help you understand. I'll also show you the comparison between 밖에 and 만 grammar.

밖에 title

1. 밖에 Grammar

밖에 is a unique marker that indicates limitations. It suggests there are no other options or that it is the sole option. In English, it can be interpreted as "except for" or "nothing but".

밖에 example

연필-pencil, 하나-one, 없어요 not to have

없어요 means "not to have." But we have 하나 (one). So, we can translate it as "I have no pencil except for one." In other words, you are saying, "I only have one pencil."

The example above is used with the word 없어요. It has a negative meaning and so does the 밖에. Double negative becomes positive, right? In this way, we can highlight what still remains. It's not a lot, but something is present.

지금 천 원밖에 없어요.

I have nothing but 1,000 won now.

= I only have 1,000 won.

2. Conjugation Information

Since it is a marker, you directly attach it to a noun. It only has one form so you don't have to worry about conjugation.

  • 연필 pencil: 연필밖에

  • 카드 card: 카드밖에

  • 컴퓨터 computer: 컴퓨터밖에

  • 라면 instand noode: 라면밖에

  • 조금 a little: 조금밖에

  • 하나 one: 하나밖에

  • 한 명 one (person): 한 명밖에

  • 두 개 two (things): 두 개밖에

3. Sentence Information

Negative Expressions

밖에 is always used with negative adverbs or expressions like the ones below.

  • : negative adverb. "not"

돈이 천 원밖에 안 남았어요. I only have a thousand won left.

  • : negative adverb. "can't" 못 usually shows a lack of opportunity or ability.

저는 일본어를 조금밖에 못해요. I can only speak a little Japanese.

  • 없다: not to have

지갑에 오백 원밖에 없어요. I only have five hundred won in my wallet.

저거밖에 없어요? Is that all you have?

  • 모르다: to not know

제 친구는 자기밖에 몰라요. My friend only cares about himself.

저는 한국어밖에 몰라요. I only know the Korean language.

However, you can't use it with 아니다 or 지 말다. So not all negative expressions can be used together. 😂

Comparison: 밖에 vs. 만

Both 밖에 and 만 show the limitations and restrictions. Then how will they be different? Take at the chart!


It must be used with negative expressions.

It can be attached to both positive and negative expressions.

저는 채소밖에 안 먹어요.

I don't eat except vegetables.

= I only eat vegetables.

저는 채소만 먹어요. I only eat vegetables.

저는 채소만 안 먹어요. I don't eat only vegetables.

Because it is used only with negative expressions, it has a stronger emphasizing vibe than "만".

So, both "저는 채소밖에 안 먹어요," and "저는 채소만 먹어요," can be translated to "I only eat vegetables." But due to the unique pattern and meaning of the 밖에 grammar, "저는 채소밖에 안 먹어요" sounds stronger, emphasizing the meaning.

4. Examples


Q: 진수 씨는 책이 많아요? Jinsu, do you have many books?

A: 아니요, 하나밖에 없어요. No, I don't have books except for one. = I only have one.


Q: 파티에 사람이 많이 왔어요? Did many people come to the party?

A: 아니요, 세 명밖에 안 왔어요. No, only three people came.


저는 운동을 일주일에 한 번밖에 안 해요.

I exercise only once a week.


시간이 조금밖에 안 남았어요.

There's only a little time left.

시간 - time, 조금 - a little/a bit, 남다-to be left/to remain


가방에 지갑밖에 없어요.

There's nothing in my bag but my wallet.

가방 is a bag or purse. 지갑 is a wallet.

5. Wrap-up & Examples

밖에 conveys limitations, emphasizing that there is nothing beyond the stated option. It is typically translated as "except for" or "nothing but" in English, making it a valuable tool to express scarcity or exclusivity.

It is always paired with negative expressions such as 없다 (not to have), 안 (not), 못 (can't), or 모르다 (not to know). This combination creates a double-negative structure, which paradoxically highlights what still exists, even if it is minimal.

Let's work on this 밖에 grammar using the free and printable worksheet I created. The answers are available throughout this lesson. After completing it, return to verify your answers, which will also provide an opportunity to review!

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