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Each in Korean: 마다 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

How can we say "I jog each morning," or "I watch a movie every Sunday." Today, you'll learn about this "every" or "each" in Korean using 마다 grammar.

each in Korean

1. 마다 Grammar

마다 is a marker so you attach it to a noun. It shows "all without exception." It focuses on "each" noun. You can use it to show similar situations.

교실마다 컴퓨터가 있어요.

There are computers in each classroom.

You can also show the situation happens repeatedly at a certain period of time.

일요일마다 영화를 봐요.

I watch a movie each Sunday.

I watch a movie every Sunday.

Even though 마다 means each, sometimes it is natural to understand it as "every" like the example above.

2. Conjugation Information

It only has one form. You don't have to worry about the difficult conjugation! Simply attach 마다 to a noun. So, I'll show you various words you can attach to this 마다. Make sure there is no gap between a word and the marker!

  • 날마다 each day(everyday)

  • 이틀마다 every two days

  • 일주일마다 every week

  • 토요일마다 every Saturday

  • 주말마다 every weekend

  • 아침마다 every morning

  • 달마다 every month

  • 해마다 every year

  • 삼십 분마다 every 30 mintues

  • 한 시간 마다 every hour

  • 나라마다 each country(every country)

  • 학교마다 each school(every school)

  • 방마다 each room(every room)

  • 곳마다 every place

3. Extension

Some words have other versions without 마다. Here are some examples. The word 매 adds "every" to a noun.

  • everyday: 날마다 = 매일

  • every week: 일주일마다 = 매주

  • every month: 달마다 = 매달 / 매월

  • every year: 해마다 = 매해

Even though we can consider "날마다" every day, it still focuses on each day. While 매일 simply means every day.

4. Examples

Let's take a look at some examples. Even though I write "every" as meaning, make sure to know it still implies "each".


A. 저는 아침 조깅을 해요.

I jog in the morning.

B. 저는 아침마다 조깅을 해요.

I jog each(every) morning.

First, let's compare the two sentences with and without 마다. The example A used the time marker 에. It simply means you jog in the morning.

Example B used 마다. By adding 마다 to 아침, we can mean you do the action each morning without exception. So, in other words, you can say it as every morning.


이 버스는 이십 분마다 와요.

This bus comes every 20 minutes.

마다 is used to show repetitive action. 분 means minutes and to read it you have to use the Sino-Korean numbers.


이 축제는 해마다 5 월 5 일에 열려요.

This festival is held on May 5th every year.

Can you read 5 월 5 일 in Korean? It should be 오 월 오 일. To read the date, you'll need the Sino-Korean numbers.


마다 창문이 있어요.

There are windows in every room.

When you talk about every room without exception, you can attach 마다 to the 방(room).


저는 날마다 한국어 공부를 해요.

I study Korean each day(every day).

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

It was a pretty easy lesson, right? Let's review today's lesson.

  • The original meaning of 마다 is "each."

  • Depending on the situation, it works like "every."

  • Still, your focus is not on the whole one, but on "each" noun.

Here is the worksheet for you. The answers are in throughout this lesson. So, bookmark this lesson! Once you solve it, come back to this page and check your answers.

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