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At Place: 에다가 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

안녕하세요? This is the second lesson about the marker 에다가. The first one was to talk about "and/plus". In this post, you will learn about location-related meanings.

at place title

1. 에다가 Grammar

The term "에다가" is a combination of the location marker "에" and the emphasis meaning of "다가." Together, they emphasize a destination or specific location related to an action. While similar to "에," "에다가는" provides a more specific sense of place or focus.

에다가 example

여기(here) is a place where the action is received. So, we attach 에다가 to 여기. Let's take the meanings in more detail.

1. Indicating placement or transfer

When using 에다가, the focus is on an action that places or transfers something to a specific location. This marker highlights not just where the action is directed but also the deliberate motion or effort involved in the process.

Therefore, it is frequently utilized when an action verb is present, like 놓다 (to put), 넣다 (to insert), 두다 (to leave/put), or other verbs that indicate movement or placement.

책을 책상에다가 놓았어요. I put the book on the desk.

책-book, 책상-desk, 놓았어요-놓다-to put.

편지를 우체통에다가 넣었어요. I put the letter into the mailbox.

편지-letter, 우체통-mailbox, 넣었어요-넣다-to put in.

2. Stressing the Location

Using 에다가 grammar not only indicates the location but also adds emphasis. It imparts a sense of specificity or intentionality as if to clarify or highlight the location for the listener. 에다가 can make your sentence appear more precise and deliberate, often infusing it with a tone of careful consideration or attention to detail.

열쇠를 서랍에다가 넣으세요. Put the key in the drawer.

열쇠-key, 서랍-drawer

봉투 왼쪽에다가 이름을 쓰세요. Write the name on the left side of the envelope.

봉투-envelope, 왼쪽-left side, 이름-name, 쓰세요-쓰다-to write

There's no reason to worry about distinguishing particular meanings. What matters is recognizing that the 에다가 grammar emphasizes location and focus. Now, let's look at the conjugation!

2 Conjugation Information

에다가 is one form. You don't have to worry about conjugating it depending on the final consonant. However, 에다가 can be shortened to 에다 or even just to 에.

  • 집 house → 집에다가 = 집에다 = 집에

  • 교실 classroom → 교실에다가 = 교실에다 = 교실에

  • 냉장고 refrigerator → 냉장고에다가 = 냉장고에다 = 냉장고에

  • front → 앞에다가 = 앞에다 = 앞에

  • 뒤 back → 뒤에다가 = 뒤에다 = 뒤에

When 에다가 is attached to pronouns like 여기(here), 거기(there), 저기(over there), and 어디(where), "에" can be omitted.

  • 여기 here → 여기에다가 = 여기다가 = 여기에다 = 여기에

  • 거기 there → 거기에다가 = 거기다가 = 거기에다 = 겨기에

  • 저기 over there → 저기에다가 = 저기다가

The short versions are usually used in daily conversation. People like to say things shortly and quickly!

3. Sentence Information

에다가 1 was to show the addition. So, you could switch the nouns. However, you can't switch the nouns for 에다가 2 grammar.

에다가 1 example

햄버거에다가 피자를 먹었어요. I had a hamburger and pizza.

=피자에다가 햄버거를 먹었어요. I had pizza and a hamburger.

에다가 2 example

열쇠를 서랍에다가 넣으세요. Put the key in the drawer.

≠ 서랍에다가 열쇠를 넣으세요. Put the drawer in the key.

You can totally understand what I mean, right? 🤣

4. Examples


책을 학교에다가 놓고 왔어요. I left my book at school.

학교 is the place where I left the book. So, I attached the marker 에다가 to 학교. 놓고 오다 is a combination of 놓다(to put) and 오다(to come).


학습지에다가 이름을 쓰세요. Write your name on the worksheet.

학습지 is a worksheet. 이름 is a name. 쓰세요 is a combination of 쓰다 and the command ending (으)세요.


냉동식품은 냉동실에다가 넣으세요. Put frozen foods in the freezer.

우유는 냉장실에다가 넣으세요. Put milk in the refrigerator.

냉동 means "freeze". 냉동식품 is frozen food. 냉장고(refrigerator) has two parts; the freezer part is called 냉동실 and the cool part is 냉장실.


코트는 옷장에 두세요. Put the coat in the closet.

The word 코트 is a "coat." It is quite simple, right? If you want to learn more Korean vocabulary related to clothing(옷), click here to read my free lecture. 옷장 is a wardrobe or closet.


민수 씨가 책을 책상 위에다가 뒀어요. Minsu put the book on the desk.

책상 is a desk where you read 책(books). 위 is a location word that indicates up, above, or on. If you want to learn more about the location words, please click here.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

How did the lesson go? I trust the grammar marker 에다가 wasn't too challenging! Let's go over it.

  • 에다가 is a marker that shows the location destination or specific location related to an action.

  • It can be shortened to 에다 or 에.

I created a free and printable worksheet! The answers are available throughout this lesson. After completing it, return to check your answers! This will assist you in reviewing :D!

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