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And/Plus: 에다/에다가 Grammar with Free Worksheet

안녕하세요? Today, you will explore the grammar marker 에다가, which can also be shortened to 에다 or 에. Although it has multiple meanings, this lesson will concentrate on its use as "and/plus." If you are looking for 에다가 as the meaning of a location, please click here to go to the lesson.

and plus 에다가 title

1. 에다가 Grammar

에다가 is a marker that has the meaning of "addition." You can use it to add other objects or situations. It can be translated as "and" or "plus" in English. It gives a vibe of "not only A but also B." as well.

피자에다가 햄버거도 먹었어요. I had a pizza and a hamburger. (=I had not only pizza but also a hamburger)

3(삼)에다가 7(칠)을 더하면 10(십)이에요. 3 plus 7 equals 10.

어제 치마에다가 신발도 샀어요. I bought a skirt and shoes yesterday. (=I bought not only a skirt but also shoes.)

As you see some examples, you can see 에다가 connects two nouns that are related. So, even though you switch the nouns, the meanings won't be changed!

3(삼)에다가 7(칠)을 더하면 10(십)이에요. 3 plus 7 equals 10.

7(칠)에다가 3(삼)을 더하면 10(십)이에요. 7 plus 3 equals 10.

2. Conjugation Information

에다가 is only one form. You don't have to worry about hard conjugation rules! 😉 You attach it directly to a noun (since it is a marker).

  • 시험 test → 시험에다가

  • 눈 snow → 눈에다가

  • 책상 desk → 책상에다가

  • 컴퓨터 computer → 컴퓨터에다가

  • 종이 paper → 종이에다가

  • 강아지 puppty → 강아지에다가

3. Sentence Information


에다가 is often used with the marker 까지. It limits the scope of the situation and emphasizes the meaning.

점심에 라면에다가 떡볶이까지 먹었어요. I ate ramen and tteokbokki for lunch.

시험에다가 약속까지 있어서 바빴어요. I was busy because I had not only a test but also an appointment.

에다가 = 에다 = 에

The original grammar is 에다가, but people use the abbreviations; 에다 or 에. Those short versions are often used in daily conversation.

Today it will be rainy and windy.

오늘은 비에다가 바람까지 불겠습니다.

= 오늘은 비에다 바람까지 불겠습니다.

= 오늘은 비에 바람까지 불겠습니다.

Comparison: 에다가 vs. 하고

에다가 and 하고 are used when listing multiple objects. But 에다가 is closer to "addition." You add A to B. But 하고 simply connects two nouns without adding "addition" meaning. Compare the two situations.


가: 저는 떡볶이를 좋아해요. I like tteopokki.

나: 저는 떡볶이에다가 김밥도 좋아해요. I like tteopokki and also kimbap.

This conversation makes sense. 나 is adding another food that he likes.


가: 저는 떡볶이를 좋아해요.

나: 저는 떡볶이하고 김밥도 좋아해요.

If you want to add "김밥" it will be natural to use 에다가, instead of parallelly connecting two words.

4. Examples


몸이 안 좋아요. 기침에다가 열까지 나요.

I don't feel well. I have a cough and fever.

몸-body, 안 좋다-not good, 기침-cough, 열이 나다-have a fever


가방에 책 세 권에다가 노트북까지 있어요.

There are three books and a laptop.

가방-bag, 책-book, 세 -three (books; 권 is a counting word for books), 노트북-laptop.

A funny Konglish(Korean English) is the word 노트북 [no-teu-book]. It means a laptop, not a notebook!


준수 씨는 농구에다가 축구도 잘 해요.

Jusu is good at not only basketball but also soccer.

농구-basketball, 축구-soccer, 잘 하다-do well, be good at, -as well

To show 준수 is good at both as well, we can use another marker 도(too, also, as well).


민수 씨 집에는 오븐에다가 건조기도 있어요.

There is not only an oven but also a dryer in Minsu's house.

집-house, 오븐-oven, 건조기-dryer


Q: 영주 씨, 오늘 바빠요? Youngju, are you busy today?

A: 네, 오늘 시험에다가 아르바이트도 있어요. Yes, I have a test and a part-time job as well.

The original form of 바빠요 is 바쁘다 means to be busy. 시험-test, 아르바이트- part-time job.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

에다가 is a marker that means "and" or "plus." You are showing the addition of one noun to another.

If you want to study further, please download this printable PDF Korean worksheet. I made it and it is free. However, all rights reserved. Please make sure to not reproduce, distribute, transmit, sell, or modify the material!

You can find the answers to the worksheet throughout my lesson. Once you are done, please come back and confirm your answers!

에다가 actually has a second meaning; at place. If you want to learn, please click the button below!

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