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100 Basic Korean Verbs Free PDF Worksheets Included

Beginner-level basic Korean verbs 100 with free printable PDF worksheets

100 Basic Korean verbs with examples and free worksheets

Learn about the one hundred fundamental Korean verbs that you need to know! These words are categorized according to the informal tense rules.

You will see the basic forms, present tense, past tense, and future tense forms, and examples! If you are looking for a specific word, use Ctrl + F to search for it!

Also, you can add these words to your Korean verb organizers. Please click the button to download the file.

<Table of Contents>

1. Regular Rules

1. ㅏ or ㅗ

When the stem ends with the vowel ㅏ or ㅗ, you add 아요 for the present tense and 았어요 for the past tense.

  • 가다 [ga-da] to go

가요 / 갔어요 / 갈 거예요

로이 씨는 집 갔어요. Roy went home.

  • 오다 [oh-da] to come

와요 / 왔어요 / 올 거예요

젠 씨 학교에 왔어요. Jen came to school.

  • 보다 [bo-da] to see, watch, look

봐요 / 봤어요 / 볼 거예요

어제 영화 봤어요. I watched a movie yesterday.

  • 자다 [ja-da] to sleep

자요 / 잤어요 / 잘 거예요

잘 잤어요? Did you sleep well?

  • 사다 [sa-da] to buy

사요 / 샀어요 / 살 거요

연필하고 지우개를 샀어요. I bought a pencil and an eraser.

  • 팔다 [pal-da] to sell

팔아요 / 팔았어요 / 팔 거예요

집을 팔 거예요. I will sell my house.

  • 살다 [sal-da] to live

살아요 / 살았어요 / 살 거예요

민수 씨는 한국에서 살아요. Minsu is living in Korea.

  • 앉다 [an-dda] to sit

앉아요 / 앉았어요 / 앉을 거예요

진 씨가 의자에 앉았어요. Jin sat on the chair.

  • 잡다 [jap-dda] to hold, to grip, to catch, to arrest

잡아요 / 잡았어요 / 잡을 거예요

아이 손을 잘 잡아요. Hold tight on the child's hand.

경찰이 도둑을 잡았어요. The police caught the thief.

  • 닫다 [da-dda] to close (door, window, cap, store, mouth)

닫아요 / 닫았어요/ 닫을 거예요

창문을 닫으세요. Close the window, please.

가게를 닫았어요. I closed my store.

  • 만나다 [man-na-da] to meet

만나요/ 만났어요 / 만날 거예요

어제 친구를 만났어요. I met my friends yesterday.

  • 알다 [al-da] to know

알아요 / 알았어요 / 알 거예요

BTS를 알아요? Do you know BTS?

  • 놀다 [nol-ta] to play

놀아요 / 놀았어요 / 놀 거예요

친구하고 놀았어요. I played with my friends.

  • 찾다 [cha-dda] to find

찾아요 / 찾았어요 / 찾을 거예요

지갑을 찾았어요? Did you find your wallet?

  • 쌓다 [ssa-ta] to pile (up), stack, to accumulate (fortune, knowledge), to build

쌓아요 / 쌓았어요 / 쌓을 거예요

아이가 모래 성을 쌓았어요. A child built a sandcastle.

  • 닿다 [da-dda] to touch, reach (to a thing or destination), to be in touch

닿아요 / 닿았어요 / 닿을 거예요

책에 손이 안 닿아요. I can't reach the book.

  • 놓다 [no-ta] to lay, put (a thing), release (from a hand), to build

놓아요 / 놓았어요 / 놓을 거예요

책을 책상에 놓았어요. I put my books on the desk.

  • 타다 [ta-da] to ride, get on, to climb (mountain), to burn, to mix (up), to make (drink)

타요 / 탔어요 / 탈 거예요

친구가 차에 탔어요. My friend rode the car.

종이가 불에 탔어요. The paper burned.

믹스 커피를 타요. I made the instant coffee.

  • 일어나다 [i-leo-na-da] to wake up, to get up

일어나요 / 일어났어요 / 일어날 거예요

몇 시에 일어나요? What time do you get up?

  • 끝나다 [ggeut-na-da] to end, to finish, to be over, to be done, to close

끝나요 / 끝났어요 / 끝날 거예요

휴가가 끝났어요. My vacation is over.

  • 날다 [nal-da] to fly

날아요 / 날았어요 / 날 거예요

새가 날고 있어요. The bird is flying.

  • 바라다 [ba-la-da] to hope, to wish, to want, to desire, to long for

바라요 / 바랐어요 / 바랄 거예요

좋은 꿈 꾸길 바라요. I hope you have a good dream.

  • 나타나다 [na-ta-na-da] to appear, to show up

나타나요 / 나타났어요 / 나타날 거요

갑자기 사자가 나타났어요. A lion appeared suddenly.

2. 하다

하다 means "do" and by adding it to a noun, you can turn that noun into a verb! Since the 하다 verbs are a combination of a noun + 하다, you can attach the object marker to a noun and separate them. For example, 공부하다 you can also say 공부를 하다. Most of the time, having an object in a sentence sounds more natural.

I'll give you some important 하다 verbs here, but there are actually too many! So, if you want to learn more about 하다 verbs, please click here to read my other lesson.

  • 하다 [ha-da] to do

해요 / 했어요 / 할 거예요

뭐 해요? What are you doing?

뭐 했어요? What did you do?

뭐 할 거예요? What will you do?

  • 공부하다 [gong-bu-ha-da] to study

공부해요 / 공부했어요 / 공부할 거예요

한국어를 공부해요. I study Korean.

  • 숙제하다 [suk-jae-ha-da] to do homework

숙제해요 / 숙제했어요 / 숙제할 거예요

숙제했어요? Did you do your homework?

  • 말하다 [mal-ha-da] to say, to tell, to speak, to talk

말해요 / 말했어요 / 말할 거예요

친구한테 말을 했어요. I talked to my friend.

  • 이야기하다 [ee-ya-gi-ha-da] to say, to tell, to speak, to talk, to converse, to have a talk

이야기해요 / 이야기했어요 / 이야기할 거예요

친구하고 이야기를 했어요. I talked with my friend.

  • 운동하다 [un-dong-ha-da] to exercise

운동해요 / 운동했어요 / 운동할 거예요

자주 운동을 해요? Do you exercise often?

  • 질문하다 [jil-mun-ha-da] to ask a question

질문해요 / 질문했어요 / 질문할 거예요

선생님께 질문을 했어요. I asked a question to my teacher.

  • 대답하다 [dae-dop-ha-da] to answer

대답해요 / 대답했어요 / 대답할 거예요

질문에 대답을 하세요. Answer my question.

  • 수영하다 [su-yeong-ha-da] to swim

수영해요 / 수영했어요 / 수영할 거예요

저는 수영을 못해요. I can't swim.

  • 청소하다 [cheong-so-ha-da] to clean

청소해요 / 청소했어요 / 청소할 거예요

하루 종일 방 청소를 했어요. I cleaned my room all day.

  • 빨래하다 [bbal-lae-ha-da] to do laundry

빨래해요 / 빨래했어요 / 빨래할 거예요

이불 빨래를 했어요? Did you wash the blanket?

  • 요리하다 [yo-li-ha-da] to cook

요리해요 / 요리했어요 / 요리할 거예요

저녁을 요리했어요. I cooked dinner.

  • 등산하다 [deung-san-ha-da] to hike, to climb (mountain)

등산해요 / 등산했어요 / 등산할 거예요

토요일에 등산을 했어요. I hiked on Saturday.

  • 구경하다 [gu-gyeong-ha-da] to sightsee, to look around

구경해요 / 구경했어요 / 구경할 거예요

시내 구경을 했어요. I looked around downtown.

  • 쇼핑하다 [sho-ping-ha-da] to shop, to do shopping

쇼핑해요 / 쇼핑했어요 / 쇼핑할 거예요

새 옷 쇼핑을 했어요. I went shopping for new clothes.

  • 전화하다 [jeon-wha-ha-da] to call (through phone), to make a phone call

전화해요 / 전화했어요 / 전화할 거예요

미나 씨한테 전화했어요? Did you call Mina?

  • 노래하다 [no-la-ha-da] to sing (a song)

노래해요 / 노래했어요 / 노래할 거예요

주아 씨는 노래를 잘해요. Juna is good at singing.

  • 시작하다 [si-jak-ha-da] to start, to begin

시작해요 / 시작했어요 / 시작할 거예요

한국어 공부를 시작했어요. I started studying Korean.

  • 일하다 [il-ha-da] to work

일해요 / 일했어요 / 일할 거예요

하루 종일 일을 했어요. I worked all day.

  • 출근하다 [chul-geun-ha-da] to go work

출근해요 / 출근했어요 / 출근할 거예요

몇 시에 출근을 해요? What time do you go to work?

  • 퇴근하다 [twae-geun-ha-da] to retrun home (from work)

퇴근해요 / 퇴근했어요 / 퇴근할 거예요

언제 퇴근해요? When do you get off work?

  • 등교하다 [deung-gyo-ha-da] to go school

등교해요 / 등교했어요 / 등교할 거예요

몇 시에 등교해요? What time do you go to school?

  • 하교하다 [ha-gyo-ha-da] to return home (from school)

하교해요 / 하교했어요 / 하교할 거예요

같이 하교해요. Let's go home together. (Let's leave school together.)

  • 샤워하다 [sha-wo-ha-da] to shower

샤워해요 / 샤워했어요 / 샤워할 거예요

어제 샤워를 했어요. I took a shower yesterday.

  • 목욕하다 [mo-gyok-ha-da] to bath

목욕해요 / 목욕했어요 / 목욕할 거예요

언제 목욕했어요? When did you take a bath?

  • 산책하다 [san-chaek-ha-da] to stroll

산책해요 / 산책했어요 / 산책할 거예요

같이 산책을 할까요? Do you want to take a walk with me?

  • 여행하다 [yeo-haeng-ha-da] to travel

여행해요 / 여행했어요 / 여행할 거예요

어디를 여행했어요? Where did you travel?

3. Others

When the last vowel of the stem is not 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ' or '하', you will add 어요 to make the present tense and 었어요 to make the past tense.

  • 있다 [ee-dda] to stay

있어요 / 있었어요 / 있을 거예요

집에서 그냥 있었어요. I just stayed at home.

About 있다.

있다 has both verb and adjective meanings. Surprisingly, when it is worked as an adjective, it means "exist" or "have".

  • 먹다 [meok-dda] to eat

먹어요 / 먹었어요 / 먹을 거예요

햄버거를 먹었어요. I ate a hamburger.

  • 마시다 [ma-si-da] to drink

마셔요 / 마셨어요 / 마실 거예요

아침에 커피를 마셨어요. I drank coffee in the morning.

  • 드시다 [deu-si-da] (honorific) to eat/to drink

드셔요 / 드셨어요 / 드실 거예요

할머니께서 커피를 드셨어요. My grandmother had coffee.

  • 서다 [seo-da] to stand

서요 / 섰어요 / 설 거예요

자리에서 서세요. Please, stand up from your seat.

  • 그리다 [geu-li-da] to draw, to paint

그려요 / 그렸어요 / 그릴 거예요

그림을 그렸어요. I painted a picture.

  • 읽다 [il-dda] to read

읽어요 / 읽었어요 / 읽을 거예요

책을 읽었어요. I read a book.

  • 덮다 [deop-dda] to close (book, case, lid), to cover

덮어요 / 덮었어요 / 덮을 거예요

책을 덮으세요. Close your book, please.

뚜껑을 덮으세요. Put the lid on, please.

  • 펴다 [pyeo-da] to open (book, shoulder, fist), to unfold, to spread, to iron, to stretch

펴요 / 폈어요 / 펼 거예요

책을 펴세요. Open your book, please.

옷 주름을 폈어요. I ironed out wrinkles on my clothes. (I unwrinkled my clothes.)

  • 열다 [yeol-da] to open (door, window, lid, cap, store, mouth, etc.)

열어요 / 열었어요 / 열 거예요

더워서 창문을 열었어요. I opened the windows because it was hot.

그 가게 몇 시에 열어요? What time does that store open?

  • 만들다 [man-deul-da] to make

만들어요 / 만들었어요 / 만들 거예요

케이크를 만들었어요. I made a cake.

  • 묻다 [mu-dda] to bury

묻어요 / 묻었어요 / 묻을 거예요

타임 캡슐을 묻었어요. I buried time capsules.

  • 넣다 [neo-ta] to put in, to insert, to pack, to obtain

넣어요 / 넣었어요 / 넣을 거예요

가방에 책을 넣었어요. I put the books in the bag.

  • 기다리다 [gi-da-li-da] to wait

기다려요 / 기다렸어요 / 기다릴 거예요

계속 친구를 기다렸어요. I kept waiting for my friend.

  • 치다 [chi-da] to hit, to play (the piano, drum, golf, tennis, etc)

쳐요 / 쳤어요 / 칠 거예요

친구가 드럼을 쳐요. My friend plays the drums.

The basic meaning of 치다 is 'hit'. So for activities involved hitting like 'drum', 'ball,'

the meaning works as playing the instruments or game.

  • 배우다 [bae-u-da] to learn

배워요 / 배웠어요 / 배울 거예요

한국어를 배우고 있어요. I'm learning Korean.

  • 불다 [bul-da] to blow

불어요 / 불었어요 / 불 거예요

바람이 많이 불어요. It's very windy. (The wind blows a lot.)

  • 보내다 [bo-nae-da] to send, to spend (time)

보내요 / 보냈어요 / 보낼 거예요

친구한테 편지를 보냈어요. I sent a letter to my friend.

  • 걸다 [geol-da] to hang, to make a phone call, to bet

걸어요 / 걸었어요 / 걸 거예요

친구한테 전화를 걸었어요. I called my friend.

  • 믿다 [mi-dda] to believe

믿어요 / 믿었어요 / 믿을 거예요

신을 믿어요? Do you believe in God?

  • 웃다 [u-dda] to laugh, to smile

웃어요 / 웃었어요 / 웃을 거예요

민지 씨가 웃었어요. Minju lauged.

  • 씹다 [ssip-dda] to chew

씹어요 / 씹었어요 / 씹을 거예요

꼭꼭 씹으세요. Chew well.

  • 켜다 [kyeo-da] to turn on (light, fire)

켜요 / 켰어요 / 켤 거예요

어두워서 불을 켰어요. I turned on the light because it was dark.

  • 쉬다 [shui-da] to rest

쉬어요 / 쉬었어요 / 쉴 거예요.

힘들어서 좀 쉬었어요. I rested because I felt a little tired.

  • 찍다 [jjik-da] to dip, to take (photos), to stamp

찍어요 / 찍었어요 / 찍을 거예요

사진을 찍어요. I took the photos.

  • 주다 [ju-da] to give

줘요 / 줬어요 / 줄 거예요

친구한테 사진을 줬어요. I gave the photos to my friends.

  • 입다 [ip-dda] to wear (clothes like tops and bottoms)

입어요 / 입었어요 / 입을 거예요

청바지를 입었어요. I wore jeans.

  • 벗다 [beo-dda] to take off (clothing items)

벗어요 / 벗었어요 / 벗을 거예요

신발을 벗으세요. Take off your shoes, please.

  • 신다 [sin-dda] to wear (shoes, socks)

신어요 / 신었어요 / 신을 거예요

신발을 신으세요. Wear your shoes, please.

  • 달리다 [dal-li-da] to run

달려요 / 달렸어요 / 달릴 거예요

운동장을 달렸어요. I ran on the playground.

  • 뛰다 [ddui-da] to run, to jump

뛰어요 / 뛰었어요 / 뛸 거예요

토끼가 뛰어요. The rabbit jumps. (The rabbit runs.)

  • 씻다 [ssi-dda] to wash

씻어요 / 씻었어요 / 씻을 거예요

깨끗하게 씻으세요. Wash cleanly. (Wash well.)

2. Irregular verbs

1. ㄷ

When irregular ㄷ matters, change ㄷ to ㄹ and add an ending.

  • 듣다 [deu-dda] to listen, to hear

들어요 / 들었어요 / 들을 거예요

블랙핑크 음악을 들을 거예요. I will listen to the music of BLACKPINK.

  • 걷다 [geo-dda] to walk

걸어요 / 걸었어요 / 걸을 거예요

공원을 걸었어요. I walked through the park.

  • 묻다 [mu-dda] to ask

물어요 / 물었어요 / 물을 거예요

저한테 물어 보세요. Ask me.

  • 깨닫다 [ggae-da-dda] to realize

깨달아요 / 깨달았어요 / 깨달을 거예요

문제를 깨달았어요. I realized the problem.

닫다(close), 믿다(believe), 묻다(bury) are regular verbs, even though they end with ㄷ.

2. ㅅ

When irregular ㅅ matters, erase ㅅ first and then add an ending.

  • 짓다 [jit-dda] to build, to cook (steamed rice)

지어요/ 지었어요 / 지을 거예요

밥을 지었어요. I made cooked rice.

여기에 건물을 지을 거예요. We are going to build a building here.

  • 잇다 [it-dda] to connet

이어요 / 이었어요 / 이을 거예요

점을 이으세요. Connect dots.

  • 긋다 [geut-dda] to draw (lines)

그어요 / 그었어요 / 그을 거예요

선을 그었어요. I drew lines.

  • 붓다 [but-dda] to pour, to swell

부어요 / 부었어요 / 부을 거예요

물을 부어요. Pour water.

얼굴이 부었어요. My face was swollen.

  • 낫다 [nat-dda] to heal, to recover

나아요 / 나았어요 / 나을 거예요

다 나았어요. I am all recovered. (I am all better.)

  • 젓다 [jeot-dda] to stir, to row, to whip, to shake, to wave

저어요 / 저었어요 / 저을 거요

계란을 잘 저으세요. Beat the eggs well.

웃다 (smile), 벗다 (take off), 씻다 (wash) are regular verbs even though they have ㅅ.

3. ㅂ

When the stem ends with ㅂ, you need to erase ㅂ and attach an ending.

  • 돕다 [dop-dda] to help

도와요 / 도왔어요 / 도울 거예요

저 좀 도와 주세요. Please help me.

  • 줍다 [jup-dda] to pick up (something from the ground, floor)

주워요 / 주웠어요 / 주울 거예요

쓰레기를 주우세요. Pick up the trash.

  • 굽다 [gup-dda] to bake, to grill, to broil

구워요 / 구웠어요 / 구울 거예요

고기를 구웠어요. I grilled meat.

  • 눕다 [nup-dda] to lie down

누워요 / 누웠어요 / 누울 거예요

피곤해서 침대에 누웠어요. I lay down because I felt tired.

잡다 (grab) and 입다 (wear) are regular verbs.

4. ㅡ and 르

ㅡ and 르 have a bit more complicated rules. If you want to learn the rules, please click here.

  • 쓰다 [sseu-da] to write, to use, to compose, to put on (hat, glasses, umbrella, etc.)

써요 / 썼어요 / 쓸 거예요

친구한테 편지를 썼어요. I wrote a letter to my friend.

  • 끄다 [kkeu-da] to turn off (light, switch), to put out (fire)

꺼요 / 껐어요 / 끌 거예요

불 좀 꺼 주세요. Please turn off the light.

  • 부르다 [bu-leu-da] to call (someone), to sing

불러요 / 불렀어요 / 부를 거예요

EXO 노래를 부를 거예요. I will sing EXO's song.

  • 모르다 [mo-leu-da] to not know

몰라요 / 몰랐어요 / 모를 거예요

진짜 몰랐어요. I really didn't know.

3. Basic Korean Verbs Free Worksheets

Here are some useful worksheets for you!

1. All 100 words

2. Practice the words

3. Flashcards

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